Imaging Science Grade Scale

Imaging Science Grade Scale

Due to the close patient contact and a medical imaging technologist’s responsibilities, mastery of academic material and technical competency is required. Students must maintain a grade of “C” or better in each course upon program admission as required by the curriculum. If a student receives a grade of “D” or “F” in any course required in the associate degree curriculum, the student will be terminated from the program. If academic problems arise during any quarter, it is the student’s responsibility to seek academic counseling from the course instructor, the Imaging Sciences Department Chair, and/or the Dean of Academic Support and Student Services.

Academic Grade Scale
93-100 A Excellent
86-92 B Above Average
75-85 C Average
Below 75 Failure

Clinical Grade Scale
96-100 A Excellent
90-95 B Above Average
85-89 C Average
Below 85 Failure
