Complaint and Grievance Processes

Several avenues exist within the framework of the college by which students, employees, or members of the public may express concerns, complaints, or grievances. South College policy prohibits any retaliatory action against any person for reporting, inquiring, testifying, or assisting with an investigation of a complaint. South College will not tolerate any form of retaliation for making a good faith report of potential college-related legal or policy violations. Any attempted or actual retaliatory action will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination or dismissal by South College. Any alleged retaliation should be reported immediately to South College. The following describes the appropriate procedure for resolving issues.

Informal Complaint: An Informal complaint is an informal allegation, concern, or expression of dissatisfaction regarding a service, policy, procedure, behavior, or outcome.  An informal complaint is made verbally or via email to the College employee responsible for the area of concern or to their immediate supervisor. If an informal complaint cannot be resolved through these channels, a Formal Complaint may be filed.  

Formal Complaint: A Formal Complaint is a written allegation submitted on the Formal Complaint Form that one has been harmed by being treated arbitrarily, unfairly, or in ways which violate established laws, rules, policies, or procedures. The Formal Complaint Form is submitted to the respective campus’s Dean of Academic and Student Services or Dean of Academics (Online). Further directions are found on the form. The Dean of Academic and Student Services or Dean of Academics (Online) will involve all necessary parties to resolve the grievance.  All grievances will be addressed within 10 business days of submission. This process applies to all types of formal complaints, including those from members of the public.    

Grievance: A grievance is a formal allegation of discrimination specifically involving one’s disability or sex. Concerns regarding discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, or any other forms of discrimination not including disability or sex should be reported using the Formal Complaint process described above.

  • ADA (Section 504) Grievance – A student, employee, or member of the public who believes s/he has been subjected to discrimination due to a disability should file a grievance with the respective campus’s Dean of Academic and Student Services or Dean of Academics (online) or for employees, the Vice President of Talent Management & HR. This process, as well as the appeals process, is more fully outlined in the Disability Services section of the Catalog.
  • Title IX (sexual harassment, discrimination, or abuse) Grievance – A student, employee, or member of the public who believes s/he has been subjected to discrimination due to sex should notify the respective campus’s Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator. This process, as well as the appeals process, is more fully outlined in the Sexual Misconduct (Title IX) Policy section of the Catalog.

Appeals Process

Formal Complaint Appeal: Every attempt will be made to resolve complaints with the respective leaders of the responsible organizational units (e.g., admissions, financial aid, academics, etc.).  However, in instances where this is not possible and the Formal Complaint cannot be satisfactorily resolved through the normal procedures, the grievant may appeal in writing within three business days to the respective Campus President (for online students it must go to the Dean of Academics). Appeal of the Formal Complaint will be responded to within 10 business days of submission.

Following communication of the decision of the Campus President, a final appeal may be made to the Chief Academic Officer within three business days of receiving the decision. The Chief Academic Officer’s decision is final so far as institutional formal complaints are concerned. This process applies to all types of formal complaints, including those from members of the public. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal: South College is required to hold its students to the standards of SAP. Students who do not comply with these standards will be suspended/dismissed. The explanation of SAP and the process for appealing suspension/dismissal due to SAP are outlined in the Academic Information/SAP section of the Catalog.

Assignment Grade Dispute: The dispute of an assignment grade is handled between the student and instructor. If needed, the instructor’s direct supervisor may be involved. Campus or college level personnel are not involved in individual assignment grade disputes. In addition, a student may not dispute the specific point reduction as found in the syllabus or program handbook for an assignment that was submitted past the deadline.

Course Grade Appeal: The determination of a final course grade is at the heart of the faculty member’s responsibility and involves academic expertise, experience, and judgment.

Consideration of a grade appeal is limited to an evaluation of whether the final grade awarded was determined in accordance with the policies/standards/objectives/rubrics outlined in the course syllabus. A course instructor’s failure to follow the policies/standards/objectives/rubrics outlined in the course syllabus-for example, a grade calculation error-would constitute a valid reason to appeal a grade.

Process for Appealing a Grade:

  • STEP 1 – Discuss the matter with the course instructor.
  • STEP 2 – If the matter remains unresolved, the student may request an additional meeting following the academic chain of command (e.g., department chair, program director, or associate dean and then dean – if applicable). The academic leader may request the instructor to be present during the meeting.
  • STEP 3 – If the matter still cannot be resolved, the student may challenge the final grade by submitting a Course Grade Appeal Form within three business days after grades are posted to the respective campus Dean of Academic and Student Services or Dean of Academics (Online).  The Dean may act upon the appeal or choose to refer the appeal to the Appeals Committee. The Course Grade Appeal Form is found in the Student Portal under the Student Services tab.
  • STEP 4 – If necessary, following decision of the Dean or Appeals Committee, a final appeal may be made to the Chief Academic Officer (CAO). The CAO will base his or her decision on the same information presented to the Dean of Academic and Student Services or Dean of Academics (online) or the Appeals Committee. The CAO will not entertain new evidence, claims, positions, or arguments from any party. The CAO’s decision is final so far as grade appeals are concerned. 

Dismissal and Disciplinary Action Appeal: Students may be dismissed or disciplined for poor academic performance and professional misconduct, including violation of the South College Academic Honor Code, based on the rules of the College or the respective school, program, or department. A dismissal or disciplinary action based on academic performance or professional misconduct is an academic decision and involves academic expertise, experience, and judgment. If a student is dismissed from the College, s/he is still financially responsible for the cost of the education received up to that point. Please note, a dismissal decision made by the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) for violation of the South College Academic Honor Code and/or Student Conduct Standards and Regulations is final so far as dismissals are concerned and cannot be appealed at the institutional level.

Process for appealing a dismissal or disciplinary action:

  • STEP 1 – Follow any applicable appeal process internal to the specific program, which is contained in the program handbook. This may include an appeal to program leadership (e.g., Department Chair, Program Director, or Dean). Students should complete a Dismissal and Disciplinary Action Appeal Form to submit their appeal.  The Dismissal and Disciplinary Action Appeal Form is found in the Student Portal under the Student Services tab.  The same information, evidence, claims, position, or arguments must be submitted at each level of appeal.
  • STEP 2 – Once the appeals process for the specific program has been followed, the student may appeal to the respective campus’s Dean of Academic and Student Services or Dean of Academics (online) by submitting their Dismissal and Disciplinary Action Appeal Form and documentation within three business days of being dismissed or receiving disciplinary action. The same information, evidence, claims, position, or arguments must be submitted at each level of appeal. The Dean of Academic and Student Services or Dean of Academics (Online) may act on the appeal or refer it to the Appeals Committee.
  • STEP 3 – If necessary, following decision of the Dean or Appeals Committee, a final appeal may be made to the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) within three business days of the notice to the student of the previous decision. The same Dismissal and Disciplinary Action Appeal Form and documentation must be used. The CAO will base his or her decision on the same information presented to the Dean of Academic and Student Services or Dean of Academics (Online) or the Appeals Committee. The CAO will not entertain new evidence, claims, positions, or arguments from any party. The CAO’s decision is final so far as dismissals are concerned.

In the event that a dismissal disciplinary action appeal includes information related to a course grade appeal, the campus’s Dean of Academic and Student Services or Dean of Academics (online) may combine the two appeals into one. When this occurs, the Dean of Academic and Student Services or Dean of Academics (Online) may decide to have the student use just one Dismissal and Disciplinary Action Appeal Form.

Appeals Committee Hearing Procedures

Should the Dean of Academic and Student Services or Dean of Academics (Online) involve the Appeals Committee, the following procedures will be followed:

  1. Once the appeal is received, the student will be notified by email of:
    1. the nature of the charges;
    2. the time and date of the hearing;
    3. the right to present applicable evidence in her/his behalf.

Additionally, the student will be given the opportunity to talk to or meet with the Chair of the Appeals Committee to go over the procedures that will be followed during the hearing.

  1. The student must attend the hearing and present his/her case to the Committee. Students are not permitted to bring guests/representatives to the hearing.
  2. The Committee will review the case at the hearing. Members of the Committee are appointed every two years, except for the student member who is appointed as hearings are needed. The Chair of the Committee is the Dean of Academic and Student Services or Dean of Academics (Online). As the facilitator of the hearing, the Chair is a neutral party and has no vote on the decision.

Voting members (at least 5) of the Committee include:

  1. at least one Dean/Department Chair outside of the School/Department of the student appealing;
  2. one student outside of the School/Department of the student appealing;
  3. at least one faculty member outside of the School/Department of the student appealing; and
  4. at least one staff member.

In cases when the Chair is not available, a designee will be appointed for the hearing. The review shall consist of a careful and thorough hearing. Those participating in the hearing in any way should maintain confidentiality of information. A final determination, by majority vote, will recommend one of the following actions:

  1. removal of the charges and/or penalties against the student;
  2. confirmation that the charges/penalties against the student remain;
  3. administrative reprimand;
  4. disciplinary probation, which may or may not be recorded on the student’s permanent record;
  5. disciplinary suspension for a specified period of time;
  6. dismissal from the college; or
  7. other action the Committee deems appropriate.

The Committee’s decision may be made on the date of the hearing or additional deliberation may require further research/discussion and will be made as soon as possible.  The Committee’s decision will be sent by email to the student within ten business days of the hearing.


In all cases in which academic and/or disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal from the college has been determined, a copy of the proceedings will be maintained by the Department of Student Services in conjunction with the institutional retention of records policy. In cases where appeals are made, those reviewing the appeal may request and review all related information regarding the associated occurrences.

State Formal Complaint Procedures

Tennessee/Online  – Should there be a grievance that cannot be satisfactorily resolved at the institutional level, a student or member of the public may contact the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 9th Floor, Nashville, TN 37243-1102, (615) 741-5293. website:

North Carolina – Should there be a grievance that cannot be satisfactorily resolved at the institutional level, a student or member of the public may file a North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaint to the University of North Carolina General Administration c/o Student Complaints, 223 S. West Street, Suite 1800, Raleigh, NC 27603, (919) 962-4550, email: website: 

Georgia – Should there be a grievance that cannot be satisfactorily resolved at the institution level, a student or member of the public may contact the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission, 2082 East Exchange Place, Suite 220, Tucker, Georgia 30084-5305, Office: (770) 414-3300, website:

Indiana – Should there be a grievance that cannot be satisfactorily resolved at the institution level, a student member of the public must contact the Indiana Commission for Higher Education using the provided complaint form.  Procedures for filing a complaint can be found at

Florida – Should there be a grievance that cannot be satisfactorily resolved at the institution level, a student member of the public may contact the Commission for Independent Education, Florida Department of Education at 325 West Gaines St., Ste. 1414, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400, toll-free telephone number (888) 224-6684, website:

Pennsylvania – Should there be a grievance that cannot be satisfactorily resolved at the institutional level, a student or member of the public may contact the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Division of Higher Education, Access, and Equity, 333 Market St., 12th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333, (717) 783-8228. website:

Complaint Resolution Policies and Procedures for Non-Tennessee Resident Students in State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement States, commonly known as SARA

Student or member of the public complaints relating to consumer protection laws that involve distance learning education offered under the terms and conditions of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), must first be filed with the institution to seek resolution. Complainants not satisfied with the outcome of the Institution’s internal process may appeal, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission ( For purposes of this process, a complaint shall be defined as a formal assertion in writing that the terms of SARA or the laws, standards or regulations incorporated by the SARA Policies and Standards ( have been violated by the institution operating under the terms of SARA. For a list of SARA member States, please visit the NC-SARA website ( Students or members of the public residing in non-SARA states should consult their respective State of residence for further instruction for filing a complaint.
