Master of Education in Teacher Academic Standards and Grading

Academic Standards, Candidate Progress, And Grading

Upon entering the graduate program, candidates are encouraged to confer with their Advisor as needed. Candidates’ academic progress is monitored each quarter to ensure a cumulative GPA of 3.00, or better, with no grade lower than a B in each course. The SOE Advisor oversees each candidate’s academic record for all coursework at the end of each quarter and candidates not eligible for progression to the next quarter will be notified. If a candidate voluntarily withdraws from the program, a formal application for re-entry is required and program requirements in effect at that time must be met.

Candidate deficiencies that may impact a candidate’s academic standing, which may include warning, probation, or dismissal from the program, are monitored by the SOE Advisor.

Categories of Academic Standing for Students and Pre-Candidates are:

Good Standing: Status of a candidate who has met academic requirements in a satisfactory manner.

Warning: Status of a candidate whose academic performance places him/her in jeopardy of falling below the minimum stated standard grade of B on any course assessment during the quarter.

Probation: This status is not an option for candidates in the TIL program. Should an in-service candidate’s academic performance fall below the minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 and/or course grade(s) are lower than a B at the end of the quarter as established by the SOE dismissal from the TIL program results. Since the TIL program is a program, an in-service candidate experiencing this situation would need to seek readmission to the program. In-Service Candidates are allowed only one readmission to the TIL program.

Dismissal: Action whereby a student will be dismissed from the Master of Education in Teacher as Instructional Leader program due to failure to adhere to academic and program requirements, and/or policies or procedures as specified in the Graduate Program Handbook, South College Student Handbook, and the South College Catalog. The SOE Advisor recommends dismissal and forwards the recommendation to the SOE Dean.

The causes of and consequences for receiving a Warning, Probation, or Dismissal are:

A candidate who receives a grade of less than a grade of B on any course assignment during the quarter receives a warning that work has not met minimum performance and that dismissal from program is possible if the cumulative GPA falls below 3.00 or if a course grade lower than a B occurs at the end of the quarter.

Action whereby an in-service candidate will be dismissed from the Master of Education in Teacher as Instructional Leader program due to failure to adhere to academic and program requirements, and/or policies or procedures as specified in the Graduate Program Handbook, South College Student Handbook, and the South College Catalog.

1. A student fails (a grade below B) in any course;
2. A student has a cumulative GPA of less than 3.00 at the end of any quarter;
3. A student fails to meet professional standards as reflected in the Graduate Program Handbook, South College Student Handbook, South College Catalog, state or federal law, or for moral turpitude, unprofessional behavior, criminal activity, or other reasons as defined by South College;
4. South College reserves the right to dismiss at any time a student who, in its judgment, is undesirable and whose continued enrollment is detrimental to him/herself or his/her fellow students or whose presence is disruptive to the learning environment, or the orderly operation of the College.

Course instructors determine the final grade in all courses. Grades are based on the requirements of each course, attendance and active participation in online activities, and a final examination. Examples of assignments are written assignments, action research, oral presentations with use of technology, reading assignments, reflective journal entries, development of personal portfolio, and professional development activities. The weight or value of assignments is found on the course syllabus.

Letter GradeQ.P.Percentage ScoreRange

In-Service Candidates must earn a course grade of B, or better, in each graduate course and must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 to remain in the graduate program.
